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“If they can’t maintain those standards, they lose their authority to send weapons in the first place.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator JD Vance (R-OH) introduced the Enhanced End-use Monitoring Accountability Act which would require the Pentagon to improve compliance rates in tracking highly sensitive weapons sent to Ukraine and condition the administration’s ability to send certain equipment to Ukraine on the implementation of recommendations issued by the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General.

A January 2024 DoD IG report revealed that more than half of nearly $1.7 billion worth of weapons sent to Ukraine that were designated for enhanced end-use monitoring (EEUM) were not tracked according to DoD standards.

Senator Vance’s bill would require reporting on efforts to conduct enhanced end-use monitoring (EEUM) on weapons supplied to Ukraine every 30 days until the DoD Inspector General certifies the rate of weapons not tracked is below one percent, and prohibits sending additional equipment requiring EEUM until all EEUM-designated durable defense articles are tracked by serial number, the delinquency rate of EEUM-designated equipment is below ten percent, and the DoD fully implements recommendations in the Inspector General’s January EEUM report.

“The United States has sent tens of billions worth of military aid to Ukraine with shockingly little accountability for where those resources have gone,” said Senator Vance. “For example, we know that over half the weapons subject to enhanced end-use monitoring we’ve sent have not been tracked according to DOD standards. This is totally unacceptable. My legislation would require the Biden administration to maintain much higher standards of tracking the weapons we send overseas. If they can’t maintain those standards, they lose their authority to send weapons in the first place.”

Read Senator Vance’s bill here. Read more from the Daily Caller here.
