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WASHINGTON, D.C. – One month ago today, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) took his oath of office. He issued the following video statement marking his first month as a U.S. Senator, filmed just outside the Senate chamber in the U.S. Capitol:

Transcription: “Hello Ohio, we’re here in front of the Ohio Clock in a beautiful building – not a bad place to come work, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. We’ve been busy this last month, introduced a piece of legislation that will prevent catalytic converter theft, I’ve also been working on getting more oversight into how we’re spending money in Ukraine, and we’re doing a lot else besides that … I try to remind myself, I’m not here to complain, I’m not here to sit on my hands, I’m here to do the people’s business, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. Thank you.”

Senator Vance’s First Month Of Legislative Action

  • Senator Vance introduced the PART Act
    • This bipartisan legislation, introduced alongside Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Ron Wyden (D-OR), aims to combat the theft of catalytic converters
  • Senator Vance co-sponsored 15 pieces of legislation, including:
    • Sen. Cotton’s China Trade Relations Act
    • Sen. Daines’ Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act
    • Sen. Cruz’s Term-Limits Constitutional Amendment
    • Sen. Ernst’s Protecting Women’s Healthcare Act to defund Planned Parenthood
    • Sen. Ernst’s Ensuring Complete and Accurate Data Reporting for Abortion Act
    • Sen. Kennedy’s resolution to overturn the ATF Pistol Brace rule
    • Sen. Wicker’s No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act
    • Sen. Cornyn’s Constitutional Carry Reciprocity Act
    • Sen. Cotton’s HEALING Mothers and Fathers Act
    • Sen. Capito’s Waters of the United States disapproval resolution
    • Sen. Cotton’s Disapproval Resolution of D.C.’s illegal alien voting law
    • Sen. Cruz’s Disapproval Resolution of D.C.’s illegal alien voting law
    • Sen. Cruz’s legislation to defund the D.C.’s illegal alien voting law
    • Sen. Hagerty’s disapproval resolution of D.C.’s new soft-on-crime law
  • Senator Vance joined 2 Senate resolutions:
    • Sen. Capito’s National Mentoring Month
    • Sen. Young’s Career and Technical Education Month
  • Senator Vance led 3 congressional letters to the Biden Administration:
    • A letter demanding a “crosscutting report” on Ukraine security assistance spending
    • A letter demanding justification for expansion of illegal migrant parole programs
    • A letter demanding abandonment of a Biden Administration official’s proposal to ban gas stoves
  • Senator Vance signed on to 6 congressional letters from his colleagues:
    • Great Lakes Senators’ letter asking the administration to include funding for the Soo Locks, Invasive Carp, and the Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study in its budget
    • Great Lakes Senators’ letter asking the administration to include full funding for the Great Lakes Restoration initiative in its budget
    • Sen. Cortez-Masto’s letter in support of Medicare Advantage
    • Sen. Capito’s Letter to Commerce and the USITC in support of Cleveland-Cliffs and United Steelworkers’ petition on tin mill imports
    • Sen. Hyde-Smith’s letter to FDA on opposition to the elimination of the in-person dispensing requirement for chemical abortion drugs
    • Sen. Lankford’s letter to DOJ on the OLC allowing transmission of abortion drugs through the mail
  • Senator Vance was named to 4 Senate committees:
    • The Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee
    • The Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
    • The Joint Economic Committee
    • The Special Committee on Aging
  • Senator Vance’s office has provided constituent correspondence responses to thousands of Ohioans.
  • Senator Vance’s office has hosted over 100 meetings with Ohio stakeholders in Washington, D.C.

 Senator Vance’s First Statewide Tour 

  • During the Senate’s opening recess, Senator Vance took his first statewide tour of Ohio since his election, including visits to:
    • Columbus for a speech at the 38th annual MLK birthday breakfast
    • Toledo to visit the Air National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing
    • Cleveland to visit the Cleveland Clinic
    • Youngstown to visit the Air National Guard’s 910th Airlift Wing

 Senator Vance’s Accessibility To Ohio And National Media 

  • In the past 30 days since taking office, Senator Vance has engaged in 56 interviews with members of the media, including:
    • 44 interviews with Ohio TV, radio, and print outlets
    • 12 interviews with national TV, radio and print outlets
    • in-person press conferences with Ohio TV and print outlets
