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WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) will discharge H.J.Res.42 from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. This resolution would nullify the DC Council’s “Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022,” an anti-policing measure that endangers Americans in the District of Columbia.  
By discharging this resolution, Senator Vance will compel a vote on the Senate floor, where only a simple majority will be required for passage. If passed, the resolution will advance to President Biden’s desk. For the safety and security of every American who lives in or visits our nation’s capital, President Biden has a duty to sign this resolution.
“Congress must exert our constitutional authority to keep our nation’s capital safe,” said Senator Vance. “It’s a disgrace that the capital of the most powerful nation on earth has become so dangerous, but this sad reality is exactly what we should expect when far-left activists are calling the shots. For the good of every American who lives in or visits this town, I urge my colleagues to support my disapproval motion.”
For Background: 

  • H.J.Res.42, the House version of this resolution, passed by a vote of 229-189 with the support of 14 Democrats.
  • Senator Vance introduced H.J.Res.42’s Senate companion with the support of:
    • Sen. Ted Budd
    • Sen. Marsha Blackburn
    • Sen. Bill Hagerty
    • Sen. Rick Scott
    • Sen. Marco Rubio
  • The Senate parliamentarian has suggested that due to a 1987 precedent, the expiration of the 60-day review period provided in the Home Rule Act does not cause a resolution to lose its ability to be discharged from committee nor to be considered by the Senate at a 51-vote threshold.
  • Under the Enclave Clause of the Constitution, Congress has plenary authority over the District of Columbia.
    • As a result of the Enclave Clause, as well as extensive legal precedent, if the President signs the legislation into law, it will overturn DC’s anti-policing ordinance.  
  • According to the DC Police Union, “Since this Act was passed on an emergency basis in DC, the MPD has lost over 1,200 police officers while only replacing 700.”  MPD is likely at the lowest number of officers since the 1970s, at a time when violent crime is surging.
  • Violent crime is out of control in Washington.
    • In 2022, there were 203 homicides in DC, compared to 88 in 2012.
    • In the first four months of 2023, there have been 252 carjackings (74% involved firearms). Carjacking crimes have dramatically risen for five straight years in DC
    • The DC Metropolitan Police Department has acknowledged an “increase in street robberies across the city” and provided “tips” to avoid being a victim.  For example, they urge women “walking in public spaces” to “carry a small handbag or purse that you can grasp with a hand.”
    • Former DC Councilmember Jack Evans lamented earlier this year that DC is “on pace to have the most homicides since 1995” and “must address its crime issue.” “Now, homicides have surpassed 200 for the second year and our city appears lawless. People jump Metro turnstiles, shoplifting is epidemic and street crime and carjackings are routine.”
    • The Washington Post has also commented on the “alarming regularity of violence” in the city in a piece published last year.
