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WASHINGTON, DC – In honor of National Police Week, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) has introduced a Senate resolution to support America’s law enforcement officers.

“I extend my deepest gratitude to the men and women of Ohio’s law enforcement community, and to the police officers all over America keeping our families safe,” said Senator Vance. “It would be impossible to repay them for the risks they take day in and day out, but they will always have our support. I am proud to back the blue and I encourage all of my fellow Americans to do the same.”

Over 800 police officers have died in the line of duty in the past two years, the highest number of deaths over a 2-year period in the history of the United States. The “defund and defame the police” movement that began in 2020 has coincided with a dramatic rise in homicides and other violent crimes across the nation. 
Senator Vance’s resolution calls for “increased measures to be taken to maximize the safety and well-being of law enforcement officers,” “strongly condemns the misguided and disastrous movement to ‘’defund and defame the police,'” and “calls on all levels of government to ensure that law enforcement officers receive the support and resources needed to keep all communities in the United States safe.”

Read the resolution here.


Earlier this week, Senator Vance called for H.J.Res.42 to receive a vote on the Senate floor. The resolution passed with bipartisan support by a margin of 56-43. Eight Democrats supported the measure.

If signed by President Biden, the resolution will nullify the DC Council’s “Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022,” an anti-policing measure that endangers Americans in the District of Columbia.
