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WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Senator JD Vance (R-OH) has introduced the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which would ban the genital mutilation, chemical castration, and sterilization of innocent children by classifying the performance of so-called “gender-affirming care” on a minor as a Class C felony.

The legislation would also cease all taxpayer funding for such actions, including under government-sponsored healthcare plans of the Affordable Care Act, prohibit institutions of higher education from providing instruction on “gender-affirming care,” and would deem aliens who have performed “gender-affirming care” on a minor ineligible to receive visas or admittance to the United States.

“Under no circumstances should doctors be allowed to perform these gruesome, irreversible operations on underage children,” said Senator Vance. “With this legislation, we have an opportunity to save countless young Americans from a lifetime of suffering and regret. I want to thank Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene for leading on this issue, and I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to protect children from these life-altering procedures.”

Read the legislation here. Read more from The Daily Caller here.

For Background:

  • This Senate bill is companion legislation to H.R. 1399. Originally introduced by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, H.R. 1399 is cosponsored by 44 members of the House of Representatives.
  • “Gender-affirming care,” even when limited to non-surgical interventions such as puberty blockers and hormone treatment, causes irreversible mental and physical damage, negatively impacting those who are treated for the rest of their lives. 
  • American children are being targeted and indoctrinated with gender ideologies on social media platforms – children also face pressures from radical teachers, mental health counselors, and healthcare providers, often without receiving proper warning of associated risks.
  • Recognizing the risks posed to patients, peer nations in Europe have significantly restricted access to the forms of “gender-affirming care” that are widely practiced in the United States.
