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General Anthony Wayne was a Founding Father for Ohio and the United States

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator JD Vance (R-OH) sent a letter to Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Randy Moore, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, opposing the proposed renaming of Wayne National Forest. “This federal effort,” wrote Senator Vance, “denigrates Ohio history and represents a lack of fidelity to our nation’s founding generation.”

Senator Vance’s letter reads, in part:

“Wayne heroically served our nation in a time when its continued existence was not a foregone conclusion. He fought wars and won peace for our government, the government you now serve, and hewed Ohio out of rugged wilderness and occupied enemy territory. Just as the United States would not exist without George Washington, Ohio would not exist without Anthony Wayne. Unfortunately, I am left to conclude that the USDA possesses such a low opinion of Ohioans that you believe us incapable of appreciating the complexities of American history … I ask that you reverse this misguided decision to rename Wayne National Forest. It would greatly benefit Ohioans and all Americans if our government could be counted on to defend our Founding Fathers, instead of capitulating to politically motivated renaming efforts. Until such courage can be found, I humbly recommend that the federal government disband all renaming committees.”

Read Senator Vance’s full letter here or below. Read more from The Cleveland Plain Dealer here.

For Background:

  • On August 21, the federal government announced plans to rename Wayne National Forest to “Buckeye National Forest,” stating the plan was based in advancing “inclusion.”
  • The Wayne National Forest covers over a quarter million acres of Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio.
